In FLOURISH by Kelvin

Welcome back!


We all have it. It is just a matter of how we use it. Remember our opening activity for Session 8? ‘It’s Not Just About Me.’ Influence can be as easy as persuading someone to follow you or look up but can also be as significant as coaxing an individual or a corporation to change their thinking.

When we are intentional about influencing for positive change, it is attractive for others to follow. We were not put on this earth to just fulfil our own purpose in life but to lead others towards their vision and goals also.

Let’s be agents of positive FLOURISHING influence!


Rhianon, our North Vietnam Flourish Coordinator writes:

‘In January we ran our first FLOURISH train the trainer course with 11 women. Some of these women work in a Recovery House through their organisation that mentors girls who have suffered severe abuse or trauma in their lives. These newly trained facilitators will now begin using FLOURISH as part of the recovery process to rebuild the girls lives.’


New Places

Sri Lanka

Our Sri Lankan Co-Ordinator Sonja, and her mother Alison, a facilitator of FLOURISH, recently ran their first participant course with Tamil women in the East of the country and their first Train the Trainer Course in the capital Colombo. Exciting days ahead for Sri Lanka! More on their story next edition!

New Ideas

Question for Session 2: If you could only afford one meal a day, how would you plan a healthy meal for that one meal? This question came up recently in a participant course. Send us your feedback! Your ideas are helpful to us from the different cultures and countries!

We really do want to hear from you!
If you have discovered some great activities that work for your setting, remember to share them. The greater the pool of ideas we have, the more resource we have to share with each other.

Reminder from last edition
For you who are Co-ordinators: If you or your facilitators have girls who have gone through the participant course but would like to become facilitators themselves, arrange a time to meet with them to take them through session 10 and licensing.
Day One – Briefly go over the 9 sessions they have been through to understand the sessions from a facilitator perspective, and then take them through Session 10 and licensing.
Day Two – Optional – Have the girls take turns in running an activity from a session of their or your choice to gain confidence in running the course. (role-play)

Upcoming Training

We are yet to lock in dates for our next training but will advise you as soon as we know. In the meantime, we do have others running TTT in varies countries. If you wish to send anyone for training, please contact us on the email address below.

Flourish Team

We the Flourish Management team are here for you so feel free to contact us anytime
Flourish email address: flourish@aogwr.org
Closed Flourish Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1464136667217751/
(if you are not on our Flourish Facebook page but wish to, please let us know)

NOTE: All stories and photos are used with permission