As males move through adolescence, from ‘boyhood’ to ‘manhood’, they are faced with increasing levels of pressure to ‘conform’ or to ‘fit in with the crowd’, be able to develop healthy relationships, find direction for their lives and to successfully navigate life’s many challenges.

With these pressures from their ‘peers’, media and the ever-changing world around them, young men are pulled in many different directions as they try to find out ‘who they are’ and ‘why they are here’. Without the necessary life experiences, support networks and life skills, they can find themselves in difficult circumstances and often engaged in unhealthy risk taking activities.

COURAGEOUS is a program designed to help young men negotiate the many challenges they face by putting tools in their hands that will assist them in developing self-awareness, self-esteem, healthy interpersonal relationships, conflict resolution skills, decision-making abilities, strong friendships and communication skills.

COURAGEOUS aims to help young men discover and appreciate their individual uniqueness and value and the significant contribution they can make to the world. When, in a young man’s ‘search for significance’, he finds his true value and life’s purpose, he leaves his mark. He will make the world a better place. This is the goal of COURAGEOUS!