In FLOURISH by Kelvin

The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness transforms anger and hurt into healing and peace. Forgiveness can help you overcome feelings of depression, anxiety, and rage, as well as personal and relational conflicts. It is about making the conscious decision to let go of a grudge. Why would anyone want to forgive someone who has wronged her in the past? It is not about letting someone off the hook for a wrongdoing, or forgetting about the past, or forgetting about the pain. It certainly does not mean that you stick around for future maltreatment from a boss, a partner, parent, or friend. It is about setting yourself free so that you can move forward in your own life. Besides the reward of letting go of a painful past, there are powerful health benefits that go hand-in-hand with the practice of forgiveness. In the physical domain, forgiveness is associated with lower heart rate and blood pressure as well as overall stress relief. It is also associated with improving physical symptoms, reducing fatigue in some patient populations, and improving sleep quality. In the psychological domain, forgiveness has been shown to diminish the experience of stress and inner conflict while simultaneously restoring positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Excerpt from a great article in Huffington Post by Dr Randy Kamen.

Link to whole article – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/randy-kamen-gredinger-edd/forgiveness_b_2006882.html


Finding treasure

Take a good look at this young Flourisher’s face! It is a look of ‘ahhh’! A look of complete joy, relief, surprise and wow! She has found her treasure! Yes, it was there all along. It just got buried under life’s circumstances, but now she has come to realise it was never gone, but simply hidden under all that life had thrown at her. As a facilitator, this revelation is what we love to see on all our participants faces as they journey FLOURISH. Don’t you just love that face, her expression!

Excited Indonesians

17 participants from 4 organisations and individuals ready to share the FLOURISH message in their market place. These organizations will use FLOURISH as coaching material in their workplace. How good is that? I also must mention: Have a look at the excitement on these ladies faces during their FLOURISH journey. Flourish FUN!


Joining hands

As Flourish sisters we love to celebrate our successes, but we also need to stand together in our seasons of challenge. One of our amazing FLOURISH coordinators Robyn Maxwell has put FLOURISH on the Chinese map. Would you remember her as she goes through chemo over the next several months? Also could you lift up the family of one of our other beautiful Flourish facilitators Nurlisa from Indonesia, who recently past away suddenly.

Flourish Conference!


JUNE 7th – 9th


A conference for those who run Flourish and would like to invite others to experience a taste of Flourish as well as enjoy gathering with like minded women of all ages desiring to thrive in life and see others do the same

Mark your diaries NOW!