In FLOURISH by Kelvin

She is clothed in strength & dignity

It’s not that everything is right in her world, but more the fact that she views her world through the filter of right thinking. Strength and dignity ooze from her, because she walks in the knowledge that she is a valued human being, and decisions she makes, come from that foundational truth. We can all feel weak and unworthy at times, however that does not make those feelings true. What will help us live in that truth is choosing to pick up and put on ‘Strength and Dignity’ each and every day – on the days we feel like courageous lions, as well as the days we feel like defenseless mice. Once we are dressed in those two beautiful pieces of clothing, we can face the world, confident about our future. Come on! Be bold and dress for every occasion in ‘Strength and Dignity’


Strength & dignity in prison

One of our Thai Flourish teams, Nicole and Tik ran Flourish at a prison in Thailand with 15 girls. Their feedback truly depicts how Flourish is helping the girls gain strength and dignity in the face of prison life. Here are just some comments made about Flourish…

What would you say the girls found to be the most impacting personally?
They all commented on how they felt more worthy. They thanked us for coming and caring about them, especially to come all the way from Australia to help them. They had more insight into their relationships with others and how to change their own behaviours as well as set boundaries with other people to protect themselves. They could see hope for a future.

What was the highlight of this course for you as a FLOURISH Facilitator team?
The relationships we built with the women. Their joy and friendship towards us each time we came in. The last day celebration was very moving for us as well as the girls, and it was obvious that all of them had grown in their personal sense of self worth and confidence. They commented that they didn’t have enough underwear to wear in prison and they were so excited to receive a gift of a bra and undies each, as a farewell from Tik and I. (Great ay, Deb)!

We have our dates!

We are excited to let you know we have the dates for our

JUNE 7th – 9th

To be held in the Philippines
A conference for those who run Flourish and would like to invite others to experience a taste of Flourish as well as enjoy gathering with like minded women of all ages desiring to thrive in life and see others do the same

Mark your diaries NOW!

Flourish training opportunity

Every couple of years, our team run Flourish as well as Courageous (for guys) training in Phuket, Thailand for those who have limited time and/or for those who attend our Miss*ion Organisation Conference. If you know of anyone who would like to train in either of these programs in Thailand, you can contact us on the following:

Deb Hilton – flourish@aogwr.org
Bek Windsor – rwindsor@aogwr.org
Kelvin Windsor – courageous@aogwr.org (for Courageous)
Paul Hilton – philton@aogwr.org

Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th July 2017, prior to the Pan Asia Global Conference, Novotel Phuket Resort

The $100 per person investment (which has been kept to a minimum), includes:
#Two days training #Life Skills Training Material #Licensing #Morning & Afternoon Tea #Lunch

A tip for Coordinators

As a tr ainer of trainers, the message of FLOURISH is well embedded in our hearts and wecan assume our newly trained gals have received this same message in theirs. However, this is not always the case. It’s not due to lack of passion, but simply because our TTT courses are run as an intensive and some points can easily be missed. It is good to check in with your Flourish Facilitators to see how they are going with presenting the valued messages Flourish brings.

Flourish Team

REMEMBER, we, the Flourish Management Team are here for you so feel free to contact us anytime
Flourish email address: flourish@aogwr.org
Flourish Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1464136667217751/
(If you are not linked to our Flourish Facebook page but wish to be, please let us know)

NOTE: All stories and photos are used with permission