In FLOURISH by Kelvin

Celebrating Flourish 2016

What an amazing year we have had this year!
When we looked back at the close of our first year of Flourish in 2015, we were in awe of how quickly this program had spread across nations. However, as we fast approach the end of 2016, we are completely astounded at just how far our reach has been this year. With more nations joining our Flourish Global Team, and others waiting in the wings for us to come to their nations, we are convinced the year ahead will surprise us once again.

It only goes to show, that with the right message and the right tools to bring that message, there is no stopping us. A big thank you to each one of you for taking hold of the Flourish baton and running with it. We couldn’t do this without you.

Why the Red roses?
Red roses are given to those who you want to show love to. They are given to people who you have great respect for. They are given to those who have shown great courage.

The Flourish team would like to lavish red roses on each one of you this Christmas because we love you all. We respect you and champion you as you have shown great courage in the year just gone. You have journeyed Flourish with women and girls through the laughter and tears, and celebrated with them as they overcame.

For that, we applaud you. Have a fabulous Christmas girls, no matter how or where you are celebrating.

Remember, we are always here for you.

Love from the Flourish Team