What are you listening to?

Have you ever found yourself chatting away to someone, then realise they are only half listening because their mind is somewhere else? This has happened to me at times when I am talking to my husband, Paul. I find myself chatting away to him only to have him half-heartedly answer me. At those times, I know he is actually somewhere else, not physically, but mentally, and my question to him then is always the same; "What are you thinking about." In other words, "What little voice in your head are you listening to?" For him, it's usually something he is working on or planning, working it out in his mind how it is all going to come together.

How many times a day do you find yourself daydreaming of things you want to do, things that have happened during the week, things you have put off, issues that have stopped you in your tracks which consume your thoughts? What about when you find yourself thinking negatively about yourself or someone else? How often do you consciously stop and ask yourself, what am I listening to in my thought life? Since learning about how the brain works from Dr Caroline Leaf, I try to intentionally stop and think about what I am thinking about. I am not always good at it, but I am getting better at it. 

Dr Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist, (in simple terms, someone who studies the brain) and she says our thought life affects the patterns in our brain, literally. When we have toxic thoughts continually bombarding our minds, our body pays for it. She says 75-95% of illnesses begin in our thought life, however, when we choose to feed our mind with positive thoughts, our body and mind respond in a positive and healthy way.  

So I ask you again; "What are you listening to?"

Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Since Flourish launched in Central Asia, we have received many amazing testimonies from our facilitators there. Here are just some of them.
"Flourish has helped me rebuild my relationship with my daughter. Before I was always so busy, but Flourish taught me how to manage my time better, and now I have time to spend with her which has improved our relationship.
Applying the react vs response to my ministry has been very helpful. I minister in a psychiatric clinic and work with children who have anger issues. Applying the principle of reacting vs response with these kids has been so good for them. Teaching them that they have a choice to either react or respond and teaching them the pathway to do this has made them so happy. After going through these principles with them, they came up to me and gave me a hug. The children even shared how grateful they were to us for testimonies we shared with them, and how we are helping them.
I am so grateful for the facilitators who are running Flourish in my area and also grateful to those who have written this program. This has been helpful in showing us areas we needed to change, and Flourish has given us tools in our hands to handle situations we face daily."
"I am so glad I took part in this course. It has helped me navigate life with my family. I want to apply what I have learnt in my home with my husband and children. As I went through the course, I began to understand myself better, who I am and what is inside of me. I want to be transformed from the inside out. My desire now is to know more about what is inside my husband and children to build a stronger relationship.
Two sessions which stood out to me the most were the sessions on emotions and on boundaries. Also learning about the 5 Languages Of Love was very good and helpful to me. If my family could learn and understand these 5 Love Languages, I can see that this would be beneficial for my family to support each other. It would be good to have more courses like this. Thanks so much."
"I liked every minute of each and every session. I knew about 30% of these principles but even so, every part was so important to me. Two topics touched my life strongly, Survive or Thrive and Titles and Chapters. By applying emotional intelligence, I have already seen the transformation in my life. The other session, Titles and Chapters touched me deep inside and turned me upside down. My father has always spoken negatively over me and it poisoned my life. I don’t say I have overcome it all yet, but I understand that all my life, I have lived with a wrong understanding of who I am. This program, although it is for women, has principles in this course that I can see would work with my son." 


Ok girls, we now have a venue for conference.
Not only can you, 'SAVE THE DATE'
but you can also book your ticket in preparation.
Stay tuned for further information.
Chiang Mai, Thailand 

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