FLOURISH Connection Season’s Edition

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Another incredible FLOURISH year
It has definitely been a year to celebrate. Firstly, a big thank you to you, all our coordinators and facilitators who have passionately journeyed with many women and girls in Flourish this year.  

Our FLOURISH network has grown again during 2018, not only in numbers but in influence. With facilitators now trained in 20 nations across Asia, Europe, Australia and the USA, we are set to see women and girls from all these nations journey in the FLOURISH program. Our hope, as I am sure is yours, is to see these precious women and girls take hold of the messages in each session, which will put tools in their hands to bring them closer to a life that is thriving and blossoming.

We never cease to be amazed by the flood of enquiries that we continue to receive, asking for Flourish to come to their nation. The latest being Bolivia, Afghanistan and Austria. As yet we have not had the opportunity to facilitate training in these nations which is a good problem to have, right? Maybe we will call on you to assist! :)

In June this year, we also held our very first FLOURISH Conference. We received great feedback from many of you which was a real encouragement to our Flourish Management team. Many of you said that not only was it great to meet others from different nations who are running Flourish, but that you were touched by the many personal testimonies shared over the three days. Personally, I loved watching the strategic connections that were being made between women from different nations desiring to support each other across borders.
What's in a gift?
Whatever our love language may be, whether it be 'Words of Affirmation,' 'Physical Touch,' 'Quality Time' or 'Acts of Service,' there is something special about the giving and receiving of a gift, the fifth love language called 'Gifts.'  

For me, whenever I receive a gift from someone who I know has given a lot of thought to the gift, taking the time to purchase or make it, wrapped it with care, and then gone out of their way to bring it to me, I feel loved.  

Maybe not everyone thinks like me, however I know that for the gift giver, the one who gives a gift in that way, you have to know they have put their all into it for you.  

In the busyness of this season, let's take a moment to appreciate what is given in love to us and also remember the one who gave us the greatest gift of all. 
No matter how or where you celebrate this very significant holiday season, our hope is that you can take time to rest & enjoy making wonderful memories with those you love. We look forward to 2019 as we pave the way together for many more women & girls to walk the path towards wholeness & see them fulfil their purpose in life.
With love Deb, Bek & the Flourish team 
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