Flourish Connection #17

When we think of health, we think of being strong physically. However, we all know that we are not just created as flesh and blood but have a mind and a spirit also. The problem is, we can be so focused on making sure our body is living well, we forget to feed our mind and spirit with the same commitment. To truly live well, we need to be diligent in all three areas of our life, focusing on each part equally. 

However, there are times we need to put more attention on one area than another when one part is suffering. When our body suffers, more often than not, we are likely to act quickly to fix whatever is causing us to feel unwell.  We will go out of our way to make home remedies for colds and flu, visit our local pharmacy to get medication for sore throats and aches and pains, and even plan to take time out to see our doctor by making that phone call, driving to the appointment, waiting for who knows how long at the doctors surgery in order to get a correct diagnosis of our issue, and then travel to get X-rays, blood tests, or whatever else needs to be done to reach our ultimate goal, 'Get our body well.' 

Our mind and our spirit can be another story. We can be suffering heart and soul issues for a period of time without noticing any signs of trouble. The reason being is, heart issues usually happen slowly, creeping up on us, little by little. It is not until signals of the internal problems begin to come to the surface, such as depression, negativity, irritability or just simply being unhappy with the world around us, that we ourselves, or others bringing it to our attention, causes us to realise that we are not living in wholeness.

All of us should be taking time to do regular 'health' check ups. Why not grab your FLOURISH METRE and take some time to think about what are you putting into your life that is causing you to Flourish and what is robbing you of wholeness. 


Our facilitator Emmy reports:

Finally, after a long journey due to her busyness as a business woman, our sister Irna has wrapped up 9 sessions of the Flourish participants course. Recently they celebrated their graduation. We are so happy for all of them.

Great job sister Irna.


Report from Deb Hilton

It was a great privilege recently for me to present our beautiful FLOURISH program to many women from Central Asia. Although there was only time for a brief overview and one session, it was enough for the women to grasp that FLOURISH was a program they could use and take back to their nations.

After I had finished presenting, the women rushed up to me, crowding me in and asking, “When? When can you come to our nations to train us. Our women need this.” From then until now, many emails have been sent to the host of the conference where I presented Flourish, asking that same question over and over again. “How soon can you come."

Please be mindful of these women as we look to get them trained before the end of this year.
It is no secret that FLOURISH Conference is just around the corner.
Now we are shouting out loud "DON'T WAIT TO REGISTER" and "CALL YOUR FRIENDS and ASK THEM TO COME."  

A conference designed with you in mind. An opportunity to connect with others from across the globe who are running Flourish, and those who have the same heart to see women of all ages thriving in every area of their life. 

We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Love from your hosts, Deb, Bek and the Flourish Team
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